The first step to data protection is backups. If you have two copies of your data, it is much harder to lose it. We can design and install a backup scheme that fits your needs and budget. Maintaining scheduled backups for data on all of your computers, servers and laptops is critical! The hard drives on laptops have a high rate of failure due to the heat of the inside of a laptop and the general mobility of laptops.

Onsite Backup

Scheduled or manual backup that stores your data on an external hard drive such as a NAS(Network Attached Storage), DAS(Direct Attached Storage), or USB device.

Offsite Backup

Also known as online or cloud backup, is a scheduled or manual backup that involves sending a copy of the data over a proprietary or public network to an offsite server. The server is usually hosted by a third-party service provider.

Managed Data Backup

For Small to Medium sized Businesses we offer Managed Data Backup. For more information please see our Managed Services.